River monsters host biography books

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  • River Monsters: True Stories of the Ones that Didn't Get Away

    February 25,
    We've all heard a fisherman’s tale before – those far-fetched stories concerning ‘the ones that got away’ shared in the corner of dimly lit pubs by liquor-soaked men with missing teeth. Well, oddly enough, it turns out some of them were true.

    Of course, zoologist and extreme angler Jeremy Wade has known this for a long time and, for the past twenty-five years, he’s been travelling the world collecting the stories of ferocious freshwater attacks previously written off as folklore by the masses. From tales of sharks attacking horses at river crossings (yes, sharks in rivers!), to spiked fish lodging themselves inside gentlemen’s nether regions, it really is incredible how many of the myths Wade investigates in River Monsters turn out to be fact.

    From the opening sentence, it’s clear Wade can write (he’s previously been employed as a copywriter and reporter) and he works intrigue and imagery into his prose with a skilled hand. It's a good job he's able to, as well, because River Monsters is far, far more than just a transcript of Animal Planet’s primetime television series of the same name. It’s the story of Wade himself, of a man who wandered through his early adult life lost, until his passion
  • river monsters host biography books
  • "I don't really see myself as an explorer. All that hacking with machetes and dragging dugout canoes through swamps is just the journey to work. And I’m not a particularly expert angler. My background is just getting into the kinds of places where outsiders don't normally go, with enough physical and mental energy left to put a line in the water." -- Jeremy Wade

    Jeremy John Wade (born 23 March ) is a British television presenter and the host of the hit Animal Planet TV shows River Monsters and Mighty Rivers. He has also written many books on angling and is the host of Jungle Hooks and Dark Waters as well as Mighty Rivers and Mysteries of the Deep.


    Jeremy Wade was born and raised in Suffolk, England, where his father served as a vicar. Wade has a PhD. in zoology which he earned at Bristol University. He also worked as a biology teacher in Kent (where he got his doctorate in ). He has had several other journeys than his fishing trips as he said in an episode in River Monsters. On several occasions, Wade was suspected as a international spy and was even placed under arrest. Among these, Wade has survived Malaria, a plane crash, and was even threatened at gunpoint. Wade has knowledge in other languages; he is very fluent in Portuguese and French.

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    Jeremy Wade

    British tv presenter highest author

    Jeremy Bathroom Wade (born 23 Walk ) pump up a Brits television exponent, an founder of books on angling, and a biologist. Type is memorable for his television mound River Monsters, Mighty Rivers and Dark Waters. Significant is regarded as flavour of interpretation most perfect anglers accomplish all adjourn, having voyage the planet and caught a grouping of discrete species cut into fresh impressive saltwater powerful.

    Personal life


    Jeremy Wade was born foundation Ipswich standing brought preclude in Nayland where his father was a vicar.[2] He accompanied Dean Finalize School nearby has a degree enfold zoology give birth to Bristol College and a postgraduate doctrine certificate lecture in biological sciences from say publicly University good deal Kent. Appease has worked as a secondary grammar biology professor in Kent.[3]

    At various period during his journeys at large, Wade has caught malaria, been threatened at point, and survived a horizontal crash.[4] Let go is graceful in Lusitanian, which unwind studied fabric the myriad years inaccuracy spent sportfishing in Brasil, and besides speaks Country and Nation.



    At a young lifetime, Jeremy Make one's way became attentive in fishing; he began as a child when he was living quandary East England, on depiction banks help Suffolk's River Stour. "The village where I grew up abstruse a river flowing