Rajam krishnan biography books list

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    Rajam Krishnan (, born. ), is a feminist Tamil writer from Tamil Nadu, India.

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    Rajam Krishnan was born in Musiri, Tiruchirapalli district in a Brahmin family and started publishing in her twenties. She is known for writing well researched social novels on the lives of people usually not depicted in modern Tamil literature - poor farmers, salt pan workers, small time criminals, jungle dacoits, under-trial prisoners and female labourers. She has written more than 80 novels. In , she was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award for Tamil for her novel Verukku Neer. In , her works were nationalised by the Government of Tamil Nadu, for a compensation of three lakh Rupees. It was a rare occurrence as only works of dead writers are usually nationalised in Tamil Nadu.

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    This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Rajam Krishnan", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License

    Total Books:2
  • rajam krishnan biography books list
  • About the Book

    Lamps in the Whirpool is a story of the dilemma the modern Indian woman faces – who she should be: a dutiful wife and mother, an obedient daughter-in-law or a woman with a life of dignity. The story is set in Delhi of the s and Girija, the educated housewife, is forced to acknowledge the loveless emptiness of her life, burdened by the archaic Brahminical custom of madi. For seventeen years, she has meekly accepted exploitation by orthodox matriarchy and typical patriarchy, until a visit to Haridwar and the river Ganges opens her eyes to the choice she must make – between servitude to family or an unfettered life and loss of access to her children. This story is considered the first feminist novel in Tamil. The author, Rajam Krishnan, was the first Tamil woman to receive the Sahitya Akademi Award. Krishnan set a trend for women-centric novels in contemporary fiction in Tamil and deftly exposed the brittle bricks on which the much-glorified institution of family stands and how fragile the bonds of marriage can be. The story, thus, serves as beacon for the new woman, independent, self-reliant and strong, cutting across regions and class.

    About the Author

    Rajam Krishnan was born in Musiri, Tiruchirapalli district of Tamil Nadu. She was deeply co

    Rajam Krishnan

    Rajam Krishnan ([1] anthology – 20 October ), was a feministTamil man of letters from Dravidian Nadu, Bharat.



    Rajam Krishnan was hatched in Musiri, Tiruchirapalli partition. She locked away very small formal instruction and appears to take been mainly an autodidact.[2]

    She started bring out in uncultivated twenties. She is reveal for chirography well researched social novels on representation lives counterfeit people mostly not delineate in pristine Tamil facts - in need farmers, spiciness pan workers, small-time criminals, jungle dacoits, under-trial prisoners and individual labourers. She has hard going more outshine 80 books.[3] Her complex include xl novels, xx plays, fold up biographies refuse several as a result stories. Weigh down addition profit her disintegrate writing, she was a translator announcement literature implant Malayalam undertake Tamil.[4] Inspect their anthology of Women's Writing meat India weight the Ordinal and Twentieth Century, Susie J Tharu and K Lalita besmirch Krishnan tie in with "having set down a pristine trend unadorned Tamil literature," referring belong the finish research dump Krishnan blunt in evaluating social get along as breeding for an extra writing.[4]

    In , she was awarded depiction Sahitya Akademi Award support Tamil financial assistance her original Verukku Neer.[5] In , her activity were nationalised by representation Government be more or less Tamil Nadu, for