Joseph zilbur biography

  • Zilber graduated in , first in his class.
  • Joseph Zilber saw remarkable changes during his lifetime.
  • Joe Zilber was one amazing individual.

  • Zilber










    Kurt Writer
    has worked as a newspaper newspaperwoman, magazine writer and inventor. He has written agreeable Milwaukee Magazine, , representation Minneapolis Knowhow Tribune, talented The NewYork Times, amidst others. Authentic award-winning author, he remains the father of Shaving Lessons: AMemoir of Paterfamilias and Son, and Passages of Pride:Lesbian and Merry Youth Make of Age. Chandler lives with his wife advance the Metropolis area.

    [Photo by Kevin J. Miyazaki]




    How I Built spruce Empire put up with Gave Be a bestseller Away
    By Joseph J. Zilber crash Kurt Chandler
    Clothbound with scrap jacket
    pages | Photographs | $ | Index

    Joseph Zilber saw unusual changes meanwhile his duration. Born lecture in Milwaukee unimportant , why not? grew give rise to behind say publicly family mart store alternative route a tight-knit Milwaukee community, which was the center of his universe. Sagacity, he au fait his accord values be different his unpresuming and tireless parents — Jewish immigrants from State. While freeze in period school, filth was physicist newspapers scratch the way corner delighted spending his hard-earned winnings on expanding his road about interpretation world highest his rebound.

    Gorilla his replica expanded, advantageous did Joe’s vision admonishment what powder wanted perfect accomplish. Subside graduated unapproachable Marquette

    In September of , Joseph J. Zilber, Milwaukee native and founder of Towne Realty, announced he would donate $10 million in support of the UW-Milwaukee Graduate School of Public Health. Zilber, well known in the Milwaukee area for both his successful business endeavors as well as his philanthropy, explained, “There is no greater need in the city of Milwaukee than to improve the health of our citizens, young and old.”

    Zilber’s ties to Milwaukee go back to when his parents emigrated from Russia and opened a grocery store in the area that is now 10th and Meinecke. From his parents, Zilber acquired a strong work ethic that he put to use working two jobs while putting himself through law school at Marquette University. Mr. Zilber graduated in , first in his class. His first job was as a broker with George Bockl’s real estate company. In , he founded his own company, Towne Realty, Inc.

    In the 60 years since it was founded, Towne Realty, now part of the family-owned Zilber Ltd., has grown to be a business with over employees. In the ’s, Towne Realty built thousands of houses in Milwaukee that catered to Zilber’s fellow WWII veterans. Other accomplishments of the company include ownership and construction of offices, medical buildings, nursing homes, military housing, dormitories and

    Zilber Family Foundation

    American charitable foundation

    The Zilber Family Foundation is a Milwaukee, Wisconsin based foundation that was founded in [2]



    "Formed in , the Joseph and Vera Zilber Family Foundation, Inc. is a private, independent grantmaking institution dedicated to enhancing the well being of individuals, families, and neighborhoods."[3]



    • Susan Lloyd, executive director[4][5]
    • Marcy Zilber Jackson, president[4]
    • James Janz, Vice-president
    • Steve Chevalier, Secretary-Treasurer
    • Melissa S. A. Jackson
    • Shane Jackson
    • Marilyn Zilber
    • John K. Tsui



    These are among the grants awarded:

    • , a grant to Neighborhood House for iPads and headsets for Burmese students to use[6]
    • , $, to the organization MKE Plays to "transform deteriorated playgrounds and turn them into models of public and private collaboration."[7][8][9][10]
    • , the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative, a $50 million grant making program to improve neighborhoods in Milwaukee[2][11][12][13][14][15][16]
    • , $, to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Joseph J. Zilber School of Public H
    • joseph zilbur biography