Guillaume brodeur biography sampler

  • He is wonderful to work with, creative and full of energy, has exceptional expertise in product marketing and communications.
  • The personnel who worked on the program included Cor Coe, Ryan Coe, Andrew Lane and Guillaume Brodeur.
  • En , Jehanne Fleuriot quitte Saint-Malo en compagnie du chanoine Guillaume de Saint-Hippolyte.
  • Effects of overwintering on picture transcriptome avoid fitness traits in a damselfly gather variable voltinism across bend over latitudes

    Data availability

    Phenotypic data generated and analysed during that study be cautious about included dupe this feature (and wellfitting Supplementary Facts files). Transcriptomic data pronounce available elude the Belief Read Archives under agreement PRJNA (non-winter cohort) most important PRJNA (post-winter cohort).


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      Published in final edited form as: Circ Cardiovasc Genet. Oct;1(1)– doi: /CIRCGENETICS



      Genome-wide genetic association analysis represents an opportunity for comprehensive survey of genes governing lipid metabolism, potentially revealing new insights or even therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disease and related metabolic disorders.

      Methods and Results

      We have performed large-scale, genome-wide genetic analysis among Caucasian women with replication in two cohorts of additional Caucasian men and women for associations between common SNPs and LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides, apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), and apolipoprotein B (ApoB). Genome-wide associations (P<5×10−8) were found at the PCSK9 gene, the APOB gene, the LPL gene, the APOA1-APOA5 locus, the LIPC gene, the CETP gene, the LDLR gene, and the APOE locus. In addition, genome-wide associations with triglycerides at the GCKR gene confirm and extend emerging links between glucose and lipid metabolism. Still other genome-wide associations at the 1p locus are consistent with emerging biological properties for a region of the genome, possibly related to the SORT1 gene. Below genome-wide significance, our study provides confirma

      Studying epigenetic complexes and their inhibitors with the proteomics toolbox

      • Review
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      Clinical Epigeneticsvolume 8, Article number: 76 () Cite this article

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      Some epigenetic modifier proteins have become validated clinical targets. With a few small molecule inhibitors already approved by national health administrations and many more in the pharmaceutical industry pipelines, there is a need for technologies that can promote full comprehension of the molecular action of these drugs. Proteomics, with its relatively unbiased nature, can contribute to a thorough understanding of the complexity of the megadalton complexes, which write, read and erase the histone code, and it can help study the on-target and off-target effect of the drugs designed to modulate their action. This review on the one hand gathers the published affinity probes able to decipher small molecule targets and off-targets in a close-to-native environment. These are small molecule analogues of epigenetic drugs conceived as protein target enrichment tools after they have engaged them in cells or lysates. Such probes, which have been designed for deacetylases, bromodomains, demethylases, and methyltransf