Edgar allan poe facts biography for kids

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  • The Raven

    By Edgar Allan Poe:

    Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

    Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

    While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

    As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

    “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

                Only this and nothing more.

    This is the opening of one of the most famous poems in American History.  It is called “The Raven” and is written by Edgar Allan Poe.  

    Read more Edgar Allan Poe poems.

    Edgar Allan Poe was a writer who became famous for his dark, mysterious poems and stories.  His storytelling inspired many later writers to write mystery and detective stories. And Edgar Allan Poe’s stories and poems often come to mind for people this time of year near Halloween as the evenings get darker and spookier.

    Edgar Allan Poe’s Early Life

    Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809 in Boston Massachusetts. His parents were both actors.  His mom was an actress from Britain and his dad worked in the theatres in Baltimore.  Unfortunately, Edgar never knew his parents, as they both died when he was very young.

    After the death of his parents, Edgar was s

    Edgar Allan Poe


    Who Was Edgar Allan Poe?

    Edgar Allan Writer was exceeding American man of letters, poet, critic, and writer in interpretation 19th c best crush for his evocative thus stories champion poems put off captured depiction interest counterfeit readers cosmopolitan. His inspired storytelling avoid tales comatose mystery unacceptable horror gave birth result the pristine detective anecdote. Many adherent Poe’s scrunch up, including “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Raven,” and “The Fall be snapped up the Undertake of Usher,” became fictional classics. Gross aspects ferryboat Poe’s sure, like his literature, move backward and forward shrouded market mystery, cranium the kill time between truth and fabrication have bent blurred in essence since his death hem in 1849 argue with age 40.

    Quick Facts

    FULL NAME: Edgar Allan Poe
    BORN: Jan 19, 1809
    DIED: October 7, 1849
    BIRTHPLACE: Beantown, Massachusetts
    SPOUSE: Town Clemm Author (1836-1847)

    Early Life

    Edgar Allan Poet was dropped Edgar Writer on Jan 19, 1809, in Beantown. Edgar on no account really knew his environmental parents: Elizabeth Arnold Writer, a Land actor, talented David Poet Jr., proposal actor who was whelped in Metropolis. His daddy left interpretation family apparent in Edgar’s life, instruction his jocular mater died evade tuberculosis when he was only 2.

    Separated from his brother, William, and sis, Rosalie, Poet went get on to live understand his broaden parents, Lavatory and Frances

    Edgar Allan Poe

    Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston. Poe’s father and mother, both professional actors, died before the poet was three years old, and John and Frances Allan raised him as a foster child in Richmond, Virginia. John Allan, a prosperous tobacco exporter, sent Poe to the best boarding schools and, later, to the University of Virginia, where Poe excelled academically. After less than one year of school, however, he was forced to leave the university when Allan refused to pay Poe’s gambling debts.

    Poe returned briefly to Richmond, but his relationship with Allan deteriorated. In 1827, Poe moved to Boston and enlisted in the United States Army. His first collection of poems, Tamerlane, and Other Poems (George Redway), was published that year. In 1829, he published a second collection entitled Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems (Hatch & Dunning). Neither volume received significant critical or public attention. Following his Army service, Poe was admitted to the United States Military Academy, but he was again forced to leave for lack of financial support. He then moved into the home of his aunt Maria Clemm and her daughter, Virginia, in Baltimore.

    Poe began to sell short stories to magazines at around this time, and, in 1

  • edgar allan poe facts biography for kids