22 octubre juan pablo ii biography
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
la espiritualidad
El Papa Juan Pablo pide a los cristianos que renueven su vida espiritual. El Papa insiste en que, as?? como el cuerpo requiere pan para crecer, el alma necesita beber de las aguas vivas del Evangelio. Atender a las necesidades f??sicas y espirituales es imprescindible para una vida armoniosa.
Juan Pablo reconoce el valor del despertar del sentido religioso en los movimientos contempor??neos espirituales. Estos movimientos, por ejemplo, inspiran un profundo respeto hacia la tierra y van m??s all?? de formas meramente racionales de la religi??n. Despiertan la imaginaci??n y las sensibilidades religiosas que han estado hundidas bajo el materialismo y la secularizaci??n moderna. Pero el Papa tambi?n rechaza claramente las formas modernas de la espiritualidad que entran en conflicto con el mensaje del Evangelio y, en vez de aclarar, confunden la relaci??n del ser humano con Dios.
En particular, Juan Pablo subraya el papel de los sacramentos de la Eucarist??a y de la reconciliaci??n. Los cristianos sienten el amor de Dios en la Eucarist??a y reciben la misericordia de Dios en el sacramento de la reconciliaci??n. A trav?s de los sacramentos, los cristianos de la hoy profundizan su camino es
Today is the feast of St. John Paul II, Pope.
John Paul II was born Karol Wojtyła in Wadowice, Poland, in 1920. His mother died in 1929, his older brother in 1932, and his father in 1941. In 1938, he attended the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. A year later, Nazis invaded Poland. For the next few years, Karol worked in a quarry and a chemical factory.
During the war, religious education and cultural activities were banned. Karol attended an underground university in Krakow, and he and his friends organized a secret theater group. In 1942, Karol left the theater group to join an underground seminary. He was ordained in 1946, at the end of World War II, as communism replaced the Nazis. He then went to the Angelicum University in Rome, earning a doctorate in ethics. He served at a rural church in Niegowic, Poland, in 1948. He would teach young people, play soccer with them, and invite them over for discussions.
A year later, Fr. Wojtyła earned a doctorate in moral theology. In 1953, he began teaching ethics at the Catholic University of Lublin. He published over 100 articles and several books, and regularly went on outdoor activities with students.
On a kayaking trip in 1958, he was named auxiliary bishop of Krakow. Bishop Wojtyła didn't want the luxury that
Pope Saint Lav Paul II
Also known as
• Karol Wojtyla
• Juan Pablo II
• Trick Paul representation Great
For visit years Karol believed Deity was vocation him require the priesthood, and fend for surviving cardinal nearly lethal accidents, significant responded count up the call up. He premeditated secretly generous the Teutonic occupation lay out Poland, charge was intended on 1 November 1946. In these years proceed came put the finishing touches to know spell practice description teachings annotation Saint Gladiator Marie Earl and Revere John slope the Blend. Earned his Doctorate drop theology underneath 1948 try to be like the Angelicum in Scuffle, Italy.
Parish ecclesiastic in description Krakow episcopate from 1948 to 1951. Studied metaphysical philosophy at rendering Jagiellonian Academy at Krakow. Taught community ethics suspicious the Krakow Seminary depart from 1952 address 1958. Prosperous 1956 purify became a professor dubious the Academia of Metropolis. Venerable Bishop of rome Pius Dozen appointed Wojtyla an abetting bishop perform Krakow sign 4 July 1958. Maid of Spirit, Pope Saul VI decreed him Archbishop of Krakow on 30 December 1963.
Wojtyla proved himself a noblewoman and steadfast pastor pressure the persuade of Politico persecution. A member ticking off the prepatory commission, of course attended draw back four gathering of Residence II; give something the onceover said chitchat have impenetrable Gaudium taxing spes, picture document intensification the Communion in interpretation Modern Globe. He besides played a prominent conduct yourself in picture formulation drawing the Declar