Zeljko bozic biography

  • Željko Božić (born September 29, 1974 in Belgrade, Serbia; died June 7, 2006) was a.
  • Željko Božić was a Serbian stuntman and actor.
  • Born in Belgrade, Serbia, Zeljko became a stuntman at the age of 17.
  • zeljko bozic Youtube channel statistics

    zeljko bozic biography

    Željko Božić (born September 29, 1974 in Belgrade, Serbia; died June 7, 2006 in Belgrade, Serbia) was a Serbian actor and stuntman who became internationally famous after winning stunt awards in Moscow and Belgrade, and as the founder of the Koloseum stunt awards open source stunt project. His film career has been long both in his home country and elsewhere. His name is sometimes spelled Zeliko Bozich in film credits.His film work includes The Peacemaker (1997 film) (1997), Welcome to Sarajevo (1997), Gypsy Magic (1997), The Professional (2001), All the Invisible Children (2005) and Made in YU (2004).

    Check out the Youtube statistics of zeljko bozic. I found it at youtubers.me/zeljko-bozic/enCheck out the Youtube statistics of zeljko bozic. I found it at youtubers.me/zeljko-bozic/en

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    Check out the Youtube statistics of zeljko bozic. I found it at youtubers.m

    Željko Božić

    Željko Božić rođen je 29. 9.1974. godine u Beogradu, tadašnja SFRJ, današnja Srbija. Bio je srpski kaskader, glumac i scenarista. Poginuo je 7. 6.2006. godine u Beogradu, navodno od posljedica povreda a celebrity snimanju.


    [uredi | uredi kod]

    1. Čarlston constitute Ognjenku (2008)
    2. Good luck be equivalent that (2007)
    3. Zavet (2007)
    4. Eduart (2006)
    5. Nafaka (2006)
    6. Fade discriminate against Black (2006)
    7. Šejtanov ratnik (2006)
    8. Sinovci (2006)
    9. Uslovna sloboda (2006)
    10. Karaula (2006)
    11. Kontakt (2005)
    12. Made bring YU (2005)
    13. Venčanje (2005)
    14. Sva nevidljiva deca (2005)
    15. Zvezde ljubavi (2005)
    16. Jug jugoistok (2005)
    17. Mi nismo anđeli 2 (2005)
    18. Bal-Kan-Kan (2005)
    19. "Mentol bombona" (2004) TV serija
    20. Sivi kamion crvene boje (2004)
    21. Ispred prve linije (2004)
    22. "Jelena" (2004) TV serija
    23. "Stižu dolari" (2004) TV serija
    24. "Tragom Karađorđa" (2004) TV serija
    25. Profesionalac (2003)
    26. "Neki novi klinci" (2003) TV serija
    27. Kordon (2002)
    28. "Lisice" (2002) TV serija
    29. Zajedničko putovanje (2002) (TV)
    30. Država mrtvih (2002)
    31. 1 na 1 (2002)
    32. Lavirint (2002)
    33. Sve je make ljude (2001)
    34. Bumerang (2001)
    35. Apsolutnih zest (2001)
    36. Furto depict tesoro, Take up (2000)
    37. "Impero, L'" (2000) TV mini-serija
    38. Kupi mi Eliota (1998)
    39. "Porodično blago" (1998) TV serija
    40. Povratak lopova (1998)
    41. The Peacmaker (1997)
    42. Dobrodošli u Bosnia (1997)
    43. Ciganska Collection
    44. zeljko bozic biography
    45. Željko Božić

      Serbian actor and stuntman

      Željko Božić (born September 29, 1974 in Belgrade, Serbia; died June 7, 2006) was a Serbianstuntman and actor.

      Božić became internationally famous after winning stunt awards in Moscow and Belgrade, and as the founder of the Koloseum stunt awards open source stunt project. His film career has been long both in his home country and elsewhere.

      His film work includes The Peacemaker (1997), Welcome to Sarajevo (1997), Gypsy Magic (1997), The Professional (2001), All the Invisible Children (2005), We are not Angels 2 (2004), Fade to Black (2005) and Made in YU (2004).

      His name is sometimes spelled Zeliko Bozich in film credits.

      Injured while performing dangerous stunt


      On 27 April 2006, Božić was severely injured when he performed a unique and extremely dangerous car stunt. He jumped from a height of 50 feet from a bridge and into a river, staying inside the car during the fall. This stunt demonstration was a promotion for the Koloseum International Stunt Festival which was supposed to be held in September, 2006.[1]

      Božić died on June 7, 2006, leaving behind his wife Milkica Božić and their two children.

      Honors and awards


      • World stunt academy member - since 2001
      • International stunt a