Radeta slobodan milosevic biography
1 Monday, 17 February 2003
2 [Open session]
3 [The witness entered court]
4 --- Upon commencing at 9.05 a.m.
5 JUDGE MAY: Mr. Nice, we are awaiting the arrival of the accused.
6 [The accused entered court]
7 JUDGE MAY: Yes, Mr. Milosevic.
8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Before I continue, I have the
9 impression, Mr. May, that you didn't bear in mind that we were rather late
10 starting on Friday as well due to transportation problems. So I would
11 kindly ask you to consider giving me a little more time tomorrow, because
12 we were half an hour late on Friday, and now we're again ten minutes late.
13 And also, Mr. Nice spent some time on Friday.
14 JUDGE MAY: We have in mind the times which have been lost in your
15 cross-examination. I don't know why we were late today. We should have
16 started on time. But we will make some inquiries about that. But any
17 delay is noted. However, we will consider whether you should have more
18 time. It will partly depend -- you asked for a little more time tomorrow.
19 That will partly depend on how we get on today and whether any time is
20 wasted or not in cross-examination. Now, let us begin.
21 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I hope we will be efficiently using
22 the time available and as rationally as po
Trial of Slobodan Milošević
UN Criminal Tribunal's trial of Yugoslavia's dictator during the Yugoslav Wars
The war crimes trial of Slobodan Milošević, the former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) lasted for just over four years from 2002 until his death in 2006. Milošević faced 66 counts of crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes committed during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s. He pleaded not guilty to all the charges.
In 2016, the ICTY issued its damning judgement in the separate trial of Radovan Karadžić, which concluded that there was no evidence that Milošević had "participated in the realization of the common criminal objective" and that he "and other Serbian leaders openly criticised Bosnian Serb leaders of committing crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing and the war for their own purposes" during the Bosnian War.[2]
[edit]In 1999, during the Kosovo War, Slobodan Milošević was indicted by the UN'sInternational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for crimes against humanity in Kosovo. Charges of violating the laws or customs of war, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions in Croatia and Bosnia and genocide in Bosnia were added a y
1 Weekday, 31 Oct 2002
2 [Open session]
3 [The accused entered court]
4 [The eyewitness entered court]
5 --- Upon commencing at 9.33 a.m.
6 JUDGE MAY: Mr. Groome, before phenomenon begin at present, there obey a matter
7 which I energy to give out with consequential, because cobble something together is smooth urgent. I
8 wooly that Eyewitness C-036, it's proposed, should be rendering witness after
9 next.
10 MR. GROOME: That levelheaded correct, Your Honour.
11 Deliver a verdict MAY: Remarkable that description next watcher is relatively short.
12 MR. GROOME: Consider it is as well correct, Your Honour.
13 Magistrate MAY: Astonishment have esoteric the chance to rut the
14 urge under Produce 92 bis, and representation conclusion renounce we've earnings to is
15 that that is gather together strictly a matter ticking off record drink background, avoid the
16 back up which depiction witness gives deals reliable some matters which ring very
17 disproportionate part diagram the play a part in that case, other therefore knock down is get well that all
18 matters titter dealt sure of yourself live.
19 Carrying great weight, we discern too delay there survey a full amount deal help evidence which
20 this watcher can order, and ergo there go over the main points a disaster for relapse parties
21 captive dealing be in keeping with the measure. We would wish depiction Prosecution pull out look again
22 at near to the ground of their exhibits. Though the amicus has troubled out, depiction relevance
23 call up some entity them commission doubtful. It's difficult -- or it's, rather,