Rad martinez biography of albert einstein
Einstein's First Steps Toward General Relativity: Gedanken Experiments and Axiomatics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Miller, A. I.
AlbertEinstein's 1907 Jahrbuch paper is an extraordinary document because it contains his first steps toward generalizing the 1905 relativity theory to include gravitation. Ignoring the apparent experimental disconfirmation of the 1905 relativity theory and his unsuccessful attempts to generalize the mass-energy equivalence, Einstein boldly raises the mass-energy equivalence to an axiom, invokes equality between gravitational and inertial masses, and then postulates the equivalence between a uniform gravitational field and an oppositely directed constant acceleration, the equivalence principle. How did this come about? What is at issue is scientific creativity. This necessitates broadening historical analysis to include aspects of cognitive science such as the role of visual imagery in Einstein's thinking, and the relation between conscious and unconscious modes of thought in problem solving. This method reveals the catalysts that sparked a Gedanken experiment that occurred to Einstein while working on the Jahrbuch paper. A mental model is presented to further explore Einstein's profound scientific discovery.
The Einstein Ce
Albert Einstein
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