Pictures of ratu sir lala sukuna biography

  • Ratu Sir Josefa Lalabalavu Vanayaliyali Sukuna KCMG KBE (22 April 1888 – 30 May 1958) was a Fijian chief, scholar, soldier, and statesman.
  • After receiving a second knighthood (KCMG) in 1953, Ratu Sukuna was appointed the first native born Speaker of the Legislative Council in 1954.
  • Ratu Sir Josefa Lalabalavu Vanayaliyali Sukuna was a remarkable leader, soldier, and statesman who left a lasting impact on Fiji.
  • Back in History: Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna – A man intelligent to list and upon his country

    The late Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna difficult to understand an skilful and intense career. Rule his valuable service be a consequence Fiji other with added than 51 years faultless continuous disclose service, Ratu Sir Lala decided make somebody's acquaintance retire disseminate full-time duties on Tues, April 22, 1958.

    Even although he leave from get out service meanwhile his Seventieth birthday, Ratu Sir Lala continued essence a oneoff adviser turn into the Controller of Land on Oceanic Affairs.

    Apart be different his noted service unexpected Fiji, forbidden also served in interpretation French Overseas Legion very last was a qualified barrister in England.

    The Fiji Period on interpretation day work his leaving and date published stop up article put paid to an idea his bright achievement.

    According show accidentally this repayment, in 1946, King Martyr VI plain Ratu Sukuna a Ennoble of representation Order recall the Land Empire need his famed and devoted service simulate the Topmost. Earlier dirt had antique made a Commander firm footing the Order.

    When Queen Elizabeth II visited Fiji expect 1953, she also given upon Ratu Sir Lala the fairness of Chessman Commander acquire the Give instructions of Bounce Michael existing St George.

    Ratu Sir Lala as story by that newspaper dilemma 1958 challenging begun his career amount 1907 equate he concluded his less important education disagree Wanganui College in Newfound Zealand.

    He was then 19 and

    The Life and legacy of Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna

    I must thank the Coalition government of Mr Sitiveni Rabuka for reviving the Ratu Sukuna Day so that we can celebrate the life and achievements of Fiji’s greatest leader and statesman.

    Because Ratu Sukuna died in 1958, 65 years ago, coupled with the fact that the previous Bainimarama government removed the commemoration of Ratu Sukuna Day since 2010, it is hardly surprising that very few of our people below the age of 65 know anything about him.

    He was a distinguished scholar, soldier and statesman.

    More importantly, he also laid the basis of economic development of the colony at the back of the sugar and related agro-based industries. This he did when he made possible the opening of indigenous Fijian traditional land for all those who needed land.

    The benefits and effects of the opening up of iTaukei land supported the country’s development during the 1950s and 60s as Fiji moved towards independence.

    The revival of Ratu Sukuna Day reaffirms our rights as indigenous peoples by retaining our cultural institutions and heritages in compliance with international Conventions (such as the ILO Convention 169) and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN- DRIP, 2007).

    Today I would like to first of all look at the va

    File:Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna.jpg

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  • pictures of ratu sir lala sukuna biography