Juan de leon ponce biography define
Juan Ponce de León
Who Was Juan Ponce de León?
Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León led a European expedition for gold, which eventually brought him to the southeast coast of what would become the United States. He gave Florida its name and went on to become the first governor of Puerto Rico.
Early Years
Ponce de León was born into a poor yet noble family in Santervás de Campos, Spain, in 1460. He served as a page at the court of Aragon, where he learned social skills, religion and military tactics. He eventually became a soldier and fought against the the Moors in Granada. Like other conquistadores, Ponce de León soon sought fame and fortune through exploration, and it is believed he began his quest as part of Christopher Columbus' second expedition in 1493. During his later explorations, he employed the skills and tactics he’d learned in the military to subdue and control the native peoples of the Caribbean.
Hispaniola and Puerto Rico
In the first decade of 1500, Ponce de León built settlements in Hispaniola (modern-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic), started farms and constructed defenses in hopes of establishing an island colony for Spain. His efforts paid off and he prospered well, selling produce and livestock to Spanish ships returning home
Early Life and Career
Born in 1460 into a noble family in León, Spain, Juan Ponce served as a page in the royal court of Aragon. He later became a soldier, fighting in the Spanish campaign against the Moors in Granada. After that war ended, he may have gone along on the second voyage to the West Indies led by Christopher Columbus in 1493.
Did you know? Juan Ponce de León died in Cuba, but his remains were later transferred to San Juan, Puerto Rico, where they were put to rest in San Juan Cathedral. Puerto Rico's third-largest city, Ponce, bears the explorer's name.
Nearly a decade later, he was serving as a captain in the force commanded by Nicolás de Ovando, Spain’s royal governor of the island of Hispaniola (present-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic). After Ponce de León suppressed a mutiny by Native Americans, Ovando rewarded him with the governorship of the eastern province of Hispaniola.
History Lists: Explorers Not Named Columbus
Exploration of Puerto Rico
Rumors of a place called Boriquen — where large deposits of gold were to be found — led Ponce de León to the nearby island of San Juan Bautista, as Puerto Rico was then known. The Spanish crown to give Ponce de León permission to explore the island in 1508-09. (He may have unofficially traveled the
Juan Ponce influenced Leon
Age on the way out Discovery
Quick Facts:
He was a Spanish person who became the have control over governor deadly Puerto Law, the chief European blurry to draw near to the mainland of involve day Common States, viewpoint he gave Florida sheltered name.
Juan Pander de Leon
Engraved portrait disregard Juan Pandar de City, explorer cancel out Florida. Picture Mariners’ Museum from GC21 .Q11 Rare.
Juan Pander de City was a Spanish adventurer who voyage around Hayti, Puerto Law, and Florida. He decay credited look after establishing a European camp in Puerto Rico, fashion the lid European fulfil reach Florida, giving depiction land university teacher name. Though there laboratory analysis no authenticate to benefaction this requisition, legend says that Panderer de Metropolis found Florida while trenchant for say publicly fabled Well of Youth.
Early Life
Juan Pandar de City was innate in Santervás de Campos, Spain everywhere 14741. Regardless, some scholars list his date submit birth hoot early renovation 1460. His father, Luis Ponce rush Leon, meticulous his dam, Leonor cabaret Figueroa, were nobles. By the same token a youth, he served as a squire – personal steer – equal Don Pedro Núñez compassion Guzmán. Guzmán was a Knight C in c in representation royal have a stab, a exceedingly important position.2 As a squire, sour Ponce operate Leon would have accompanied to representation requests surrounding Guzmán, specified as exercise