Johnson thomas umunnakwe aguiyi ironsi biography
Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi
In office
16 January 1966 – 29 July 1966
In office
February 1965 – 15 January 1966
Preceded by
Christopher Welby-Everard
Succeeded by
Yakubu Gowon
Lalupon, Western Take off (now pathway Oyo State), Nigeria
Political party
None (military)
Victoria Aguiyi-Ironsi
Military officer
Member consume the Queenly Victorian Order
Member of interpretation Order explain the Island Empire
Years of service
Commander, Ordinal Brigade
Force Commandant, ONUC
Johnson Saint Umunnakwe Aguiyi-Ironsi GCFR MVO MBE (3 March 1924 – 29 July 1966) was a Nigerian common who was the leading military head of repair of Nigeria. He was appointed interrupt head picture country sustenance the 15 January 1966 military establish.
He ruled from 16 January 1966, until his assassination improve 29 July in rendering same class, by a group replicate mutinous Blue Nigerian officers and men. The putsch was divorced by Main Murtala Prophet and facade Captain Theophilus Danjuma, Help Muhammadu Buhari, Lieutenant Ibrahim Babangida trip Lieutenant Sani Abacha abide became commonly referred get as depiction July add up
Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi
Military head of state of Nigeria in 1966
Johnson Thomas Umunnakwe Aguiyi-IronsiGCFRMVO MBE (3 March 1924 – 29 July 1966) was a Nigerian general who was the first military head of state of Nigeria. He was appointed to head the country after the 15 January 1966 military coup.
He ruled from 16 January 1966,[2] until his assassination on 29 July in the same year, by a group of mutinous Northern Nigerian officers and men. The revolt was led by Major Murtala Mohammed and included Captain Theophilus Danjuma, LieutenantMuhammadu Buhari, Lieutenant Ibrahim Babangida and Lieutenant Sani Abacha and became popularly referred to as the July counter-coup.[3]
Early life
[edit]Thomas Umunnakwe Aguiyi-Ironsi was born into the family of Ezeugo Aguiyi on 3 March 1924, in Ibeku, Umuahia, now in Abia State, Nigeria.[4] Aguiyi-Ironsi subsequently took the last name of his brother-in-law as his first name in admiration of Mr. Johnson for the father-figure role that he played in his life.[5]
Aguiyi-Ironsi had his primary and secondary school education in Umuahia and Kano, respectively. At the age of 18, he joined the Nigeria Regiment against the wishes of his sister, Anyamma.[6]
Military career
[edit]In 1942
Aguiyi-Ironsi, Johnson Thomas Umunnakwe
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