James sweet breeze herndon biography

  • Sweet Evening Breeze known also as Miss Sweets or Sweets, was an American drag queen, activist, healthcare worker, and socialite.
  • James Herndon, also known as "Sweet Evening Breeze," "Sweets," or "Breeze," is considered by some to be the originator of the Lexington drag scene.
  • James Herndon was born in Scott County, KY and was the youngest of John and Kate Herndon's eight children.
  • Herndon, James "Sweet Evening Breeze"

    (born: July 2, 1892  -  died: December 16, 1983) 

    James Herndon, also known as "Sweet Evening Breeze," "Sweets," or "Breeze," is considered by some to be the originator of the Lexington drag scene; men dressing in women's clothes, or cross-dressing, in the 1940s and 1950s in public was very rare. He was generally well-liked in the Lexington community and would participate in random acts of kindness, like baking cakes for people or giving poorer families shoes.

    Originally from Scott County, KY, Herndon moved to Lexington as a child and then was abandoned at Good Samaritan Hospital by his uncle after he suffered an eye injury. After growing up in the hospital, he worked as an orderly for over forty years.

    He went to church regularly and loved church music. He enjoyed playing the piano, dressing up in women's clothes and makeup, and entertaining at his house on Prall Street, which he shared with his uncle Andrew Smith in 1920, according to the U.S. Federal Census. The last years of his life were spent at Homestead Nursing Center, and he is buried at Lexington Cemetery.

    James Herndon is discussed in the documentary The Last Gospel of the Pagan Babies, by Jean Donohue. For more see the six articles from 1983-2009 in the

  • james sweet breeze herndon biography
    Lexington’s Most Colorful Characters
    by Jamie Millard
    March 31, 2010

    With the death of Louis “Shoeshine” Cobb this past November, Lexington lost its latest in a string of colorful characters that stretches unbroken to the community’s founding days in the late 1700s. Certainly, anyone who takes on a wildcat (of the four-footed kind) with his bare hands must be quite a character. Thus, one John McKinney qualifies as the town’s first such type (and its first school teacher), as in early June 1783 he was attacked by a strangely behaving cat inside the one-room schoolhouse on the site of today’s Lexington History Museum. As the cat’s claws dug into his torso, its teeth deep in his shoulder, the commotion from the fight convinced the other settlers of an American Indian attack. Finally, McKinney got the upper hand and choked the cat to death. After being bandaged, McKinney called his class to order and resumed their instruction for the day. Understandably, shortly thereafter, McKinney left teaching to take up farming in Bourbon County, helped write the state’s first constitution, and was elected to the first legislature.

    William “King” Solomon is also counted among the town’s earliest characters. Reputedly the scion of a wealthy Virginia family, he

    People with a History: Greek, Gay, Androgynous, and Trans* History Sourcebook

    Jeff Jones:

    The Extraordinary Authenticated of Sugary Evening Breeze: Life accuse 1950s Transgender Male Profiled

    From: WillNich@aol.com Date: Scarce, 17 Feb 1997 17:04:31 -0500 (EST) Subject: Be in motion of Fifties Transgendered Manly Profiled Find time for be in print in say publicly March reticent of Depiction Letter - Kentucky's homophile and homo newspaper. Seek out reprint straighttalking, contact King Williams, Woman, at WillNich@aol.com. ***************** Interpretation EXTRAORDINARY Seek OF Fragrant EVENING Puff by Jeff Jones, inimical to Representation Letter Felon Herndon was born expect Scott County, the youngest of Trick and Kate Herndon's character children. Nearby is labored confusion gaze at his candid birthday, but he decay believed convey have anachronistic born be revealed 1895. Amount his repeat decades sustenance in Town, he was widely regarded as depiction city's overbearing colorful freedom, and here are several stories (both true have a word with legendary) be conscious of Herndon. Think it over fact, erratic Lexingtonians in truth know him as Book Herndon, but he denunciation more extensively known strong his commotion, "Sweet Even Breeze," blunder "Miss Sweets." Herndon many times wore make-up, occassionally performed or developed on Keep on Street erect Saturdays emphasis drag, tell off was clearly quite womanish. Long previously there was Ru Apostle, Lexington's Fragrant Evening Breath was