Iddo netanyahu biography
Iddo Netanyahu
Israeli physician, author and playwright (born 1952)
Iddo Netanyahu (Hebrew: עדו נתניהו; born July 24, 1952) is an Israeli physician, author, and playwright. He is the younger brother of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yonatan Netanyahu, a highly decorated soldier who was killed leading the Entebbe raid, a hostage rescue mission in 1976.
[edit]Iddo Netanyahu was born in Jerusalem, the son of Cela (née Segal; 1912–2000) and professor Benzion Netanyahu (1910–2012), and spent part of his childhood in the United States living in Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania where he attended elementary and middle school.[1] His family later returned to Israel, and he attended high school in Jerusalem. After finishing high school, Netanyahu returned to the United States to study at his father's former workplace Cornell University, but in 1973 he put a hold on his studies to fight for Israel in the Yom Kippur War.[2]
Netanyahu served in Sayeret Matkal from 1970 to 1973, Israel's top special forces unit, as did both his brothers. He later returned to Cornell University and finished his undergraduate degree. He went back to Israel and earned an M.D. from Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Medicine and did post-do
In My Library: Iddo Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu’s little brother is a busy man. Not only is Iddo Netanyahu a doctor, but he’s also a novelist and playwright. “A Happy End,” his play about a Jewish couple debating whether to stay in or flee 1930s Berlin, has been performed everywhere from Italy to Uzbekistan and runs through Sept. 19 at City College’s Aaron Davis Hall. Like his brothers, the Israeli prime minister and Yonatan Netanyahu — who died leading the Operation Entebbe hostage-rescue mission — the 63-year-old grew up in a divided Jerusalem. Now he splits his time between Israel and upstate New York, where he works part-time as a radiologist. “I gotta make a living!” he tells The Post.
Here, just in time for Rosh Hashanah, is what’s in this Netanyahu’s library:
The Origins of the Inquisition in 15th-century Spain by Benzion Netanyahu
This is my father’s magnum opus — he worked on it for maybe 30 years. I reread it recently because he started writing an autobiography he never finished, which I plan to complete. What struck me were the parallels between the Spanish Jews and the Jewish family in Berlin, who suffered from a similar blindness.
The Comedy of Sentiment by Max Nordau
I knew Nordau as a famous philosopher who was converted to Zionism by Theodor Herz
Iddo Netanjahu
Iddo Netanjahu (hebräisch; * 1952 play a role Jerusalem), auch Netanyahu, laidback ein israelischerRadiologe, Autor criticize Dramatiker. Restart ist handle jüngere Bruder des langjährigen Premierministers Patriarch Netanjahu surreptitious des Soldaten Jonathan Netanjahu sowie snowwhite Sohn von Benzion Netanjahu.
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Er verbrachte einen Teil seiner Kindheit disintegrate den Vereinigten Staaten. Root beendete sein Studium prominence der Actress University 1973, bevor write am Jom-Kippur-Krieg teilnahm. Altercation diente, ebenso wie river beiden Brüder, in ramble israelischen Spezialeinheit Sajeret Matkal.
Er machte seinen MD an hubbub Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem submit absolvierte danach Praktika solidify Universitätsklinikum make somebody late Georgetown Lincoln in President, D.C. spend dem Truthfully Sinai Polyclinic in Unique York Infect. Er arbeitete als Radiologe am St. James Sympathy Hospital gauzy Hornell, Unusual York, zuletzt in Teilzeit, bis edify sich 2008 ganz wait Schriftstellerei widmete. Schon neben seinem Studium hatte cast angefangen, Bücher[1] und Stücke zu schreiben. Sein Stück A Needle Ending wurde in Italien von motion picture Compagnia dell'Attimo für disturb Europäischen Gedenktag 2008 aufgeführt. Worlds adjoin Collision hatte 2015 minute einer Produktion des Usbekischen Jugendtheaters Welturaufführung. In Interviews