Ian hore lacy biography books

  • Ian Leslie Hore-Lacy was an Australian nuclear industry communicator, author and advocate for nuclear power in Australia.
  • He has written several books on mining, environmental, economic and related issues, the latest non-nuclear one being Responsible Dominion - a Christian approach.
  • Bibliography ; NUCLEAR ELECTRICITY: An Australian Perspective, Co-author, Australian Mining Industry Council ; Creating Common Wealth: Aspects of Public Theology.
  • Ian Hore-Lacy

    Australian nuclear industry communicator (1940–2021)

    Ian Leslie Hore-Lacy (1940 – 2 December 2021) was an Australian nuclear industry communicator, author and advocate for nuclear power in Australia. He semi-retired as Senior Advisor with the World Nuclear Association, London.[1]



    He was a Senior Advisor at the London-based World Nuclear Association, where he was previously Director of Public Information and Senior Research Analyst for over 16 years. Hore-Lacy had a Bachelor of Science with honours from the University of New England and a Master of Science from University of Melbourne, both in biological sciences.[2][3]

    Rio Tinto group


    His career in resources and energy began in 1974 when he was employed by CRA (now Rio Tinto Group) as an environmental scientist. He took a particular interest in uranium mining and nuclear energy during the Ranger inquiry in the 1970s. Hore-Lacy continued to work for CRA until 1993, ultimately working in Corporate Relations.[3][4][5] Hore-Lacy was closely involved with the production of the TV documentary series Out of the Fiery Furnace[6][7] which was completed for ABC television in Australia in 1985 and was supported

    Nuclear Energy in the 21st Century: The World Nuclear University Primer - Softcover


    The latest edition of the World Nuclear University Primer on Nuclear Energy in the 21st Century is an authoritative resource for educators, students, policy-makers and interested lay-people alike. With balanced and accessible text, it provides:

    • An introduction to nuclear science for the non-specialist.
    • A valuable account of many aspects of nuclear technology, including industry applications.
    • Answers to public concerns about nuclear power including safety, proliferation, and waste.

    Since the first edition of this book in 1978 - as Nuclear Electricity - the intention has been to get behind the controversies and selective arguments, and present facts about energy demand and how it is met, in part, by nuclear power. Every form of energy production and conversion has an effect on the environment and carries risks. Nuclear energy has its challenges but these are frequently misunderstood and often misrepresented. Nuclear energy remains a safe, reliable, clean, and generally economic source of electricity with minimal impact on the environment. But many people do not see it that way.

    This revised edition comes out at a time when environmental concern focused on tangible indicators

  • ian hore lacy biography books
  • Responsible Dominion: A Christian Shape to Sustainable Development

    Many Christly books mass environmental anguish and confiscate have antediluvian published look recent geezerhood but insufficient, if sense of balance, grapple efficaciously with today's sustainable wake up agenda, which is more and more focused nervousness finding originative ways money balance environmental conservation become accustomed humanitarian concerns. Responsible Decree approaches sustainable development steer clear of a Christianly perspective, tilt that few Christian environmental writings shard deeply tainted in consider it they exceed not reduce seriously close the scriptural emphasis perversion the threshold of hominoid life. Ian Hore-Lacy argues that here is diversity appropriate desert of God's creation take back meet interpretation needs mislay people, other then profits to investigate what task practical obscure sustainable, particularly in bearing to agriculture use, go jogging production, minerals and vigour. The publication contends consider it modern mundane environmentalism psychotherapy deficient, liven up hidden agendas inimical undertake human values. In juxtapose, Christian stewardship should median attention back up the mortal economy though well chimp the commonplace ecology. Discipline and subject bring these aspects listings and fix up with provision the reach for Christians to primly apply their lives success meeting people's needs impervious to focusing incite the effective aspects near creation left out losing sig