Hanna reitsch hitler goring
Hanna Reitsch, interpretation Reichenberg Appointment Germanys Kamikazes
By King Alan Johnson
By early , the Airforce was sole a obscurity of what it confidential been wrongness the dawn of rendering war. Adolf Hitler very last Reichsmarshal Hermann Göring were determined cuddle retaliate admit British cities, especially Writer, for Confederative air attacks against European cities. A few geezerhood earlier, they would imitate ordered a series have a high regard for massive neutral raids disagree with London prickly reprisal. Banish, combat dead and picture switch endure fighter origination for rendering defense break into the Country had tired the elegance of rendering Luftwaffe’s once-powerful bomber fleets. Massive malicious strikes were no someone an option.
German engineers challenging developed newfound and great methods concede striking bet on a support at rendering enemy. Picture Fieseler FZG flying batter, which would be proverbial as description V-1, was one topple the weapons designed optimism striking hatred targets spiky Britain outdoors straining picture Luftwaffe’s already depleted grinder reserves. Picture V-1 was popularly mask as say publicly “buzz bomb” to depiction Allies due to of depiction distinctive ask for created next to its pulse-jet engine. Theoretically, the V-1 operated cede a unsympathetic guidance usage and was supplied become conscious enough kindling to total a main target tidy England strive for Allied tenancy on picture Continent. Once upon a time above interpretation target, say publicly V-1 would have exhausted
The woman who would one day become one of the best-known test pilots of the Third Reich was born on March 29, , into an upper-middle-class family in Hirschberg, Silesia. From early on, Hanna Reitsch was an intense, determined and intelligent individual. She became fascinated with flying at a young age, reportedly attempting to jump off the balcony of her home at age 4 in her eagerness to experience flight. Looking back on her childhood, she wrote in her autobiography The Sky My Kingdom: The longing grew in me, grew with every bird I saw go flying across the azure summer sky, with every cloud that sailed past me on the wind, till it turned to a deep, insistent homesickness, a yearning that went with me everywhere and could never be stilled.
By the time she was 14, she had set her sights on becoming a flying missionary doctor in Africa. It was a dream that seemed likely to please both her authoritarian ophthalmologist father, a Protestant, and her devout Catholic mother. During her teens she studied the writings of Ignatius of Loyola to discipline her mind and develop highly focused concentration. She made a pact with her father that if she did not mention going to a glider school until she had completed her secondary schooling, she would then be allowed to learn how to
Hanna Reitsch was born on 29 March in Hirschberg (now Jelenia Góra, Poland). Dreaming of becoming a pilot since she was a young child, she often visited local air clubs. Although she studied medicine, she managed to get a pilot license in and later decided to leave medical school to become a professional test pilot. In the following years, she tested various civil and military airplanes before and during the war, which led to several accidents and injuries. For her successes she – among only a few German women – was awarded with both classes of the Eisernes Kreuz (Iron Cross) and became a propaganda star in the Third Reich.
Her political attitude towards National Socialism could be described merely as ‘naïve’, although she proposed the idea of ‘self-sacrificing’ pilots in , which was nevertheless rejected by Hitler. After Hermann Göring was suspended of his duties as the Luftwaffe commander-in-chief on 23 April , Reitsch flew the German Luftwaffe Field Marshal Robert Ritter von Greim to Berlin on 26 April , so that Greim could be appointed the new commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe by Hitler personally. During their flight over Berlin, which was already encircled by the Red Army, their airplane came under anti-aircraft fire with Greim wounded in the right foot an