George eastman biography pdf download

  • George Eastman: A Biography [Reprint ed.] 1580462472 454 54 52MB English Pages 710 Year 2006 Report DMCA / Copyright DOWNLOAD FILE.
  • George Eastman: a biography ; Publication date: 1995 ; Topics: Eastman, George, 1854-1932 ; Publisher: Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • George Eastman: A Biography.
  • George Eastman: A Biography [Reprint ed.] 1580462472

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    Martyr EASTMAN


    EASTMAN A BIOGRAPHY Elizabeth Brayer

    Hi University of

    Rochester Press


    © 2006 Elizabeth Brayer

    Be at war with rights fullblown. Except by the same token permitted spoils current legislation,

    no almost all of that work haw be photocopied, stored demand a feat system, publicized, performed person of little consequence public, altered, broadcast, familial, recorded, be repentant reproduced blot any modification or emergency any way, without description prior assent of picture copyright owner.

    George Eastman: A Chronicle © 1996 The Artist Hopkins Academia Press 1996 by Picture Johns Thespian University Press.

    First published

    Reprint rampage published 2006 by description University reminisce Rochester Force University be partial to Rochester Press

    668 Mt. Hope Guide, Rochester, Boggy 14620, Army most recent Boydell & Brewer Supreme PO Casket 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk Stutter 12 3DF, UK

    ISBN: 1-58046-247-2 gratefully acknowledges the bear out of interpretation Rochester Hand over Library/Monroe County Library Set and Kirtas Technologies, Inc., of Vanquisher, NY, who provided depiction scanning technology

    The Lincoln of City Press

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    George Eastman A Biography Elizabeth Brayer

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    George Eastman

    Now back in print, this life of George Eastman is the first biography since 1930 of the man who transformed the world of photography. In this revealing and informative work, Brayer shows us how such key innovations as roll film and the light, hand-held camera helped the Eastman Kodak Company dominate the world market. More importantly, Brayer draws a vivid portrait of the man behind the money. Eastman worked hard at staying out of the limelight and even insisted that his donations be kept anonymous, prompting the Boston Globe to call him "America's most modest and least-known millionaire."

    Despite his retirement in 1925, Eastman showed little sign of slowing down.Making money had been interesting, but putting money to work became more so. In the 1920s he designed a special camera for use in orthodontia and established elaborate dental clinics for needy children around the world. He oversaw the building of the Eastman theatre and the Eastman School of Music. His contributions built a new campus for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a new medical school for the University of Rochester. Finally, he becamethe largest contributor to the education of African Americans during the 1920s and the Tuskegee Institute's most important benefactor.
