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    Check “Media Type” in left column of Internet Archive pages for audio, movie and image files.

    Biography Books PDF – Autobiography Books PDF

    Topics Sections – These are collections of free online books at the Internet Archive (, published from the 19th century until about 2017. Clicking on any topic will lead you to dozens, or hundreds, of books.

    Best Biography PDF – Autobiography PDF – Century Past

    Individual biographies and autobiographies are divided up among a number of webpages, per the list below.

    Click page headings to go there.

    Biography – A & B

    Aaron, “Hank”
    Adams, Charles Francis
    Adams, Henry
    Adams, John, U.S. President
    Adams, Abigail Smith
    Adams, John Quincy, U.S. President
    Adams, Samuel
    Addams, Jane
    Agassiz, Louis
    Ailes, Roger
    Alcott, Louisa May
    Alexander the Great
    Alfred the Great, King of England
    Ambrose, Stephen
    Andersen, Hans Christian
    Angelou, Maya
    Anthony, Susan B.
    Antin, Mary
    Appleseed, Johnny
    Audubon, John James
    Austen, Jane
    Barnum, Phineas Taylor “P.T.”
    Barr, Amelia Edith Hud

    In today's musical landscape there are few artists more polarising than Kanye West. Unlike most entertainers, it's Kanye's unparalleled boldness that simultaneously propels him to new heights whilst fracturing his betrayal in the media. Leaving little room for nuance or public perception, you either love the man or hate him.Whether it's throwing his support behind Donald Trump or stealing th

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    John Cooper Clarke is an English performance poet, who first became famous as a "punk poet" in the late 1970s. This documentary film is a celebration of his life and works, examining his life as a poet, a comedian, a recording artist and revealing how he has remained a significant influence on contemporary culture over four decades.Through a number of interviews with household names from the

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    Jonatan Håstad aka Yung Lean is a Swedish rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer. Born in Minsk and raised in Stockholm, Yung Lean spent his earlier years hanging around the Sweedish capital Stockholm, playing around with lyrics and melodies in his head, whilst dreaming of one day sharing them with the larger world. Yung Lean rose to prominence in 2013 with his song "Ginseng Strip 2002"

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    Brothers and sisters, yo

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