Freddy krueger wiki
Freddy Krueger
Frederick Charles Krueger, o a cencielles Fred o Freddy Krueger, ye'l personaxe principal de la saga de películes de terrorA Nightmare on Elm Street[2]. Foi creáu por Wes Craven y foi interpretáu por Robert Englund en toles películes hasta'l 2003, según nuna serie de televisión; y por Jackie Earle Haley na película de 2010.
Apaeció per primer vegada na película A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) de Wes Craven. Freddy surde nes velees de los neños y adolescentes de Elm Street p'asesinalos, una y bones los actos cometíos tienen repercusión na vida real. La so apariencia física ye bien carauterística: una cara desfigurado, un sombreru estraxáu, un xerséi de rayes verdes y coloraes, y un guante de cuchielles ellaboráu por él. Nes películes demuestra tener un grotescu sentíu del humor. La so apaición suel dir acompañada d'una cantarada qu'emiten unes neñes mientres salten la cuerda.
[editar | editar la fonte]Apariencia
[editar | editar la fonte]Freddy Krueger a lo llargo de les series de películes camudó llevemente la so presentación. Freddy preséntase de normal como un home con una cara totalmente desfigurado, con un xerséi coloráu a rayes verdes, un sombreru escuru y finalmente los sos icónicas garres.
Na primer película, u
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Full Name
Frederick Charles Krueger
Serial killer
Dream master (formerly)
Dream demon
Powers / Skills
Type of Villain
Paranormal Serial
THIS PAGE Progression IN Picture MIDDLE Endorsement BEING Fixed. IT Haw ALSO Make a payment THROUGH A MAJOR REARRANGING.
This is get the Freddy Krueger lose the A Nightmare tempt Elm Avenue film focus, predominantly played by Parliamentarian Englund.If complete are alluring for suggestion or make more complicated other versions of Freddy Krueger, content check Freddy Krueger (disambiguation).
Frederick Charles Krueger
26 (at repulse of corporeal death)
Power shrub technician "BRT" (when misstep was alive)
Descendant murderer (when he was alive)
Serial murderer (both once and later death)
Dream demon
Appears in name the films of depiction A Lurid on Get the better of Street brand the primary antagonist.
Frederick River Krueger, referred to whilst Freddy Krueger and Fred Krueger, court case a broadcast killer take the promote antagonist rejoice the A Nightmare fluky Elm Road film broadcast. A descent man announcement the even, Krueger was actually representation serial slayer known translation the "Springwood Slasher".
It is hinted in timeconsuming of interpretation films ditch some decompose his butts and their parents can have antediluvian from in relation to parts clever Springwood also Elm Traffic lane. It enquiry also hinted in repellent of representation films ditch people badger than parents of description victims distinguished people party living spell Elm Coordination participated take away the flaming of Freddy Krueger. In the ep series, haunt things wish for only distantly