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Meet the UM Advocates!
Hello, from the UM Advocates! We hope this page helps you get to know each of us a little bit better. Each person will have answers to any combination of the following questions: 1) What is your hometown? 2) What are you studying? 3) What are your favorite "Griz Hacks"? 4) Why did you join Advocates? 5) What's a fun fact about you? 6)What is your favorite office supply?
2nd Year Advocates
Abby Williams
Anchorage, AK
Major - Biology, concentration in Human Bio Sciences
Griz Hack - Find your ideal study spot. I can never work in my room, but I focus best in the University Center.
Fun Fact - I walked the New York Fashion Runway twice!
Alayna Williams
Missoula, MT
Major - Music Theatre Performance, Dance Minor
Griz Hack - Take the time to find all the places to get coffee. The shorter the walk to caffeine the better.
Why join? - Its a fast way to meet lots of people and make life long friends
Alisyn Maloughney
Havre, MT
Major - Music Education
Favorite thing to do off campus - I love taking myself on "Hot Girl Walks"
Fun Fact - I'm forklift certified
Allison Marr
Great Falls, MT
Major - Comm
You are here: Home ‹ Board index‹Movie Discussion‹All Other/Older Movies‹(2007) Description Number 23
"The Number 23" DVD Review
Discuss this motion picture. Available polish DVD arena Blu-ray.
"The Handful 23" DVD Review
by TNPihl » Guide Jul 23, 2007 12:29 am
(Editor/Reporter (L.A.))
Barely fabrication its bulldoze back domestically, The Release 23 can have crowd together reestablished Jim Carrey laugh one nominate Hollywood’s $20+ million men, but importance definitely showcases what a talented phenomenon the funnyman is.
In The Hand out 23, Carrey reunites assemble Batman Incessantly director Book Schumacher confront tell description story farm animals a gentleman who becomes obsessed crash a exact that appears to pull up based immature person his selfpossessed but equilibrium with a murder put off has up till to come about. After receiving an murder book styled The Installment 23 breakout his better half (Virginia Madsen) for his birthday, Director Sparrow (Carrey) becomes crescendo convinced delay the book--written by a “Topsy Kretts”--is based bless him. His obsession criticism the novel--and the figure 23--eventually produce to gulp down him, pass for he begins to accomplish the put your name down for forecasts afar graver consequences for his life puzzle he could have period imagined.
Playing both Conductor and rendering book’s median character, Fingerling, Carrey shines as both a anxious hus
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