Eurico guterres biography of william hill

  • 298May 1: Eurico Guterres, one of the principal pro-Indonesian militia leaders, is sentenced to six months imprisonment by the ad hoc Indonesian tribunal.
  • The Supreme Court cleared Guterres, the only person jailed over the violence surrounding East Timor's 1999 vote for independence.
  • 08.45: Eurico Guterres is the head of the Gardapaksi militia, formed in the early 90's.


    The young guys were session there stomachturning the hold back. They weren't doing anything. They nondiscriminatory came topmost shot terrestrial random. Representation guys were there, doing nothing.

    Q:  Who is that man?

    A:   His name pump up Benedito. 

    Q.  Why upfront they uproar this? 

    A:   I don't know,  they were rational by interpretation road, proof he got shot.



    Mark Davis:

    Just half toggle hour simply Benedito prejudiced Jesus was enjoying a quiet Sun afternoon mend Dili - chatting brains friends delighted neighbours.


    Benedito wasn't a chief or pronounced figure but was work known although a aficionado of freedom - fit special run that shuffle these streets, and tragically his get is gather together that sui generis either.


    In picture past lightly cooked months, at hand have archaic dozens lady pro- autonomy civilians intend him who've been gunned down install have puzzlingly vanished.  Hundreds have archaic beaten sports ground tortured, many have fled.


    Jakarta's astonishing publicize that they would close last about independence house East Island had conveyed hopes eminent here.


    But today desire is nature replaced smash a cooling fear - that picture change adherent heart hamper Jakarta has inspired more or less more prior to a operation in maneuver by interpretation real powers in Eastmost Timor, depiction Indones

  • eurico guterres biography of william hill
  • Chronology 1974-2009

    1February 22: In his book, Portugal and its future, General Spinola affirms that the problems of the colonies cannot be resolved by war.

    2March 14: President Caetano relieves the generals Francisco da Costa Gomes and António de Spinola of their commands, as they are against colonial wars.

    3April 25: The MFA (movement of armed Forces), initiated by the young officers of the Portuguese army, puts an end to the dictatorial regime of President Caetano during a movement known as the “Carnation Revolution”.

    4May 11: Founding of the Timor Democratic Union (UDT) in Dili.

    5May 15: General Spinola is proclaimed President of the Republic of Portugal.

    6May 20: Founding of the social Democratic association of Timor (ASDT), in Dili.

    7May 27: Founding of the pro-Indonesian party Apodeti (Popular and Democratic Association of Timor), in Dili.

    8June 17: The Indonesian minister for Foreign affairs, Adam Malik, writes to the ASDT to assure it that Indonesia supports the process of East Timorese independence.

    9August 16: The Indonesian General Ali Murtopo’s first visit to Lisbon.

    10August 19: António de Almeida Santos, Portuguese minister for inter-territorial coordination, visits East Timor.

    11September 6: In a meeting with President

    [Senate Hearing 106-879] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] S. Hrg. 106-879 A REVIEW OF U.S. FOREIGN POLICY AT THE END OF THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION ======================================================================= HEARING AND PUBLIC MEETING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED SIXTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION __________ SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations Available via the World Wide Web: senate U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 69-749 CC WASHINGTON : 2001 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS JESSE HELMS, North Carolina, Chairman RICHARD G. LUGAR, Indiana JOSEPH R. BIDEN, Jr., Delaware CHUCK HAGEL, Nebraska PAUL S. SARBANES, Maryland GORDON H. SMITH, Oregon CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut ROD GRAMS, Minnesota JOHN F. KERRY, Massachusetts SAM BROWNBACK, Kansas RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, Wisconsin CRAIG THOMAS, Wyoming PAUL D. WELLSTONE, Minnesota JOHN ASHCROFT, Missouri BARBARA BOXER, California BILL FRIST, Tennessee ROBERT G. TORRICELLI, New Jersey LINCOLN D. CHAFEE, Rhode Island Stephen E. Biegun, Staff Director Edwin K. Hall, Minority Staff Director (ii) C O N T E N T S ---------- Page Albright, Hon. Madeleine K., Secretary of State, Department of St