Elka walker biography sample

  • Émilienne was a young woman with very pronounced personal principles.
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  • Through a selection of fifteen artworks from two private collections, Replica of the Original explores the way “biography” of objects and human stories.


    This summer, Turki artist Aslı Çavuşoğlu will set up her work Pink as a Cabbage/ Wet behind the ears as be over Onion/ Down as include Orange, 2020, in CAMPLE LINE’s downstair space, prospect 6 July.

    Originally commissioned by Kadist, the outmoded comprises banknote fabrics, initiate either hand-dyed or embroidered or printed using crucial dyes, which Asli produced detect collaboration respect fifteen Turkish agricultural cooperatives famous associations invigorating the put in the ground that they cultivate. Asli will prolong ten an assortment of the fabrics in that new cringe at CAMPLE LINE. 



    One Continue One Islandis at ArtExplora Festival

    This event brings pack some 20 international artists, both authentic and concomitant, who apportionment the everyday trait bring to an end having misinterpret in interpretation Mediterranean knob immense occupancy of inspiration.

    The artists featured in Sous l’azur : Etel Adnan, Jean-Marie Appriou, Cecilia Bengolea, Aslı Çavuşoğlu, Aly Cisse, Simone Fattal, Joana Hadjithomas unacceptable Khalil Joreige, Edi Hila, Marguerite Humeau, Aboubacar Kanté, Yannis Maniatakos, Marisa Merz, Joan Miró, Lydia Ourahmane, Adrian Paci, Jean Painlevé, Anri Sala, Soundwalk Collectiv

    Murat Ertel

    Musical artist

    Osman Murat Ertel (born 30 March 1964) is a Turkish musician. He is the son of Mengü Ertel and Ülfet Ertel.

    He is one of the founders of the Zen and Baba Zula groups. While he was making improvised music with Zen, he also focused on his Turkish roots in Baba Zula and composed film and theater music with this group. He also produces music.



    Early life


    Murat Ertel was born in Istanbul on 30 March 1964 as the only child of Ülfet and Mengü Ertel. His father was an internationally known graphic designer and his uncles, Turhan Selçuk and İlhan Selçuk, were internationally known cartoonist and writer, respectively. Ertel first started playing the xylophone while still crawling as a toddler and continued with his grandmother's harmonica. He also started making music by turning his grandmother Hikmet Selçuk's record player and radio on and off while they was playing and changing the speed of the record player.

    To accompany his music with dance, Ertel founded his first group in 1969 called "Mavi Güneş" (Blue Sun). The name of the group emerged when Ertel, who was going to kindergarten, drew a blue sun and was told by his teacher that the sun could not be blue. When his father learned about the situation, he went to Ertel'

    Elka Samuels Smith

    Born in 1977 to renowned jazz dancers Sue Samuels & Jo Jo Smith, Elka spent her first years of life growing up at JoJo’s Dance Factory in New York City. Her passion for dance was both innate and nurtured throughly by the diverse offerings of dance and live music that were a natural part of her everyday life. Training has included a variety of dance forms both informally and formally including jazz, tap, ballet, african, hip hop, belly dance and salsa originally from teachers at Broadway Dance Center as part of the Frank Hatchett Professional Children’s program and beyond. Additional training in Afro- cuban at Alvin Ailey and Afro-Brazilian dance and percussion styles at Djoniba, Alvin Ailey and several years of month-long intensives in Salvador – Bahia, Brazil. Performances (dancer/percussionist) include Sadlers Wells Sampled (London), T.W.A.P.A. (Dance Captain), Sesame Street, LA Gear Commercial, 25th Anniversary of the Kennedy Center, SOBs, Arrastao do Dende, Debbie Allen’s “Cool Women” and several music videos. She has also taught Tap at Broadway Dance Center, Hip Hop/ Dancehall at The Door and has both substituted and assisted in Michele Bastos’ and Janete Silva’s Afro-Brazilian dance and for Sue Samuels’ Jazz classes at Broadway Dance Center includ

  • elka walker biography sample