Downtown 1990 film autobiography
Parks filming The Learning Tree, 1968.
Among his many accomplishments, Gordon Parks had a groundbreaking career in film—as director, screenwriter, producer, and composer. In 1969, encouraged by acclaimed film director and friend John Cassavettes, Parks became the first African American to write and direct a major Hollywood studio feature film, The Learning Tree, based on his bestselling semiautobiographical novel. His next directorial endeavor, Shaft (1971) helped define a genre then referred to as blaxploitation films. Over 25 years, Parks’s career in film encompassed documentaries, blockbuster Hollywood films, and bio-pics such as Leadbelly and Solomon Northup’s Odyssey depicting the lives of significant Black Americans.
*Flávio, 1964
*Diary of a Harlem Family, 1968
*The World of Piri Thomas, 1968
*The Learning Tree, 1969
Read more about the films below.
*Solomon Northup’s Odyssey, 1984
*Moments Without Proper Names, 1987
*Martin, 1990
12:00 min.
Director and writer: Gordon Parks
Parks’s career in film began as an extension of his photographic assignments. In 1961, Life magazine sent him to Br
An American Life: The Autobiography
Reagan, Ronald
ISBN: 0671691988
New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1990. First Printing. Hardcover. “I opened the door and they asked me if they could come in to ask some questions. I invited them in but inquired what I could possibly know that the FBI didn't know already? One of them answered, ‘Anybody that the Communists hate as much as they do you must know something that can help us.’ Well, that got my attention and I asked him what he meant. He said my name had come up during a meeting of the American Communist Party in downtown Los Angeles a few nights before (of course, this meant someone representing the FBI had been present at the meeting). During the meeting, he said, one of the Party members had said: ‘What the hell are we going to do about that son-of-a-bitching bastard Reagan?’ They confided in me that FBI investigations had shown the Party was attempting not only to gain control of the Hollywood work force but striving to influence the content of movies through the work of several prominent film writers and actors who were party members or party sympathizers. They asked if they could meet with me periodically to discuss some of the things that were going on in Hollywood. I said of course the
List of Denizen films pay for 1990