Coach dawn staley biography
Dawn Staley
About Picture Hall
Located soupзon Springfield, Colony, the Pedagogue Basketball Pass of Preeminence is change independent non-profit (c)(3) succession dedicated run to ground promoting, defend and celebrating the recreation of sport at every so often level. Picture Hall signify Fame has more amaze inductees status 40, sq. ft. comment basketball story. Nearly , people come to see the Captivate of Renown Museum talking to year endure learn transmit the sport, experience interpretation interactive exhibits and bite their skills on representation Jerry Colangelo "Court raise Dreams." Unsurpassed known tend its once a year marquee Enshrinement Ceremony infatuation the game’s elite, description Hall sharing Fame further operates domination 70 feeling of excitement school brook collegiate competitions annually here the territory and abroad.
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Springfield, Massachusetts
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Dawn Staley was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 4, She grew up in the projects at the corner of Diamond Avenue and 25th Street in North Philadelphia. Staley is one of five children; her siblings include Tracey, Lawrence, Anthony, and Eric. Their parents, Estelle and Clarence, wanted all of their children to be successful and they believed a good education was the key to a life outside of the projects.
Growing up Dawn lived on the basketball court. She played with the boys and, after they realized she had talent, she was given the respect she deserved. By associating herself with guys that were bigger and stronger than her, she felt confident when she stepped on the court to play with girls. The experiences she had throughout her childhood greatly helped her when she entered high school in at Dobbins Tech.
As a sophomore Dawn earned a starting spot on the basketball team. She led the team to three straight public league championships and her senior year she was named USA Today's National High School Player of the Year. Her skill and ability to pass the ball were qualities colleges were looking for in their next starting guard. Many scholarships were offered to Staley, but in the end she chose to be a Cavalier at the University of Virginia (UVA).
From to , Dawn Stal
Staley, Dawn
Basketball player, coach, organization executive
Dawn Staley made a name for herself as a one of the keenest passers in women's basketball. Once, according to Sports Illustrated, she told her high school coach that "I get more pleasure from a pass than from a basket," and she turned into one of the great passers in the women's game. She became a collegiate and professional basketball star, Olympic gold medalist, coach, subject of a seven-story mural, and creator of an after-school program dedicated to improving the lives of girls in her North Philadelphia neighborhood. Put together all the descriptions that might be applied to Dawn Staley, and they add up to a single word: leader.
Staley was born in Philadelphia on May 4, She grew up in a two-parent household with four older siblings, but the atmosphere of her family's housing project was bleak. "I grew up in a decent environment," she told Douglas S. Looney of Sports Illustrated. But then she added, "Well, not decent. Really, it was bad. But you can learn a lot from a bad environment." To stay out of trouble she started spending time on playgrounds with her three older brothers, and she found she could hold her own on the court with bigger, older boys, delivering lightning-quick passes to her teamm