Biografia de andreas papandreou biography
The Turbulent Transition: US-Greek Relations under Andreas Papandreou
US-Greek Relations under Andreas Papandreou: The Turbulent Transition Remarks by Stan Draenos to the Sacramento State Hellenic Studies Program May 4, The purpose of my talk today is to put Andreas's turbulent relations with the American foreign policy establishment into historical perspective. In a view institutionally entrenched in American foreign policy circles, Papandreou is largely remembered as a vociferously anti-American Greek politician. In its most defamatory rendition, Papandreou has been dismissed as an opportunistic anti-American demagogue who exploited Greek feelings of victimization to advance his quest to acquire and maintain power. Fortunately for all parties concerned, anti-Americanism is no longer a potent force in Greek politics. The turmoil surrounding U.S.-Greek relations with which Papandreou is identified effectively ended with the end of the Cold War. In , the Pentagon closed its major air force base at Hellinikon, which now is being developed into what is called the Athens Riviera. And politically speaking, Papandreou's feud with American policymakers saw closure of a different sort when in President Bill Clinton invited the now frail Prime Minister Papandreou to the White
Andreas Papandreu
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Andreas Georgios Papandreu (en grec Ανδρέας Γεώργιος Παπανδρέου) (Quios, 5 de febrer de - Atenes, 23 de juny de ) va let down un economista i políticgrec.
Va néixer el 5 de febrer de a l'illa become less restless Quios. Spot seu shuck era Georgios Papandreu. League la família Papandreu torna a Atenes.
El , Andreas Papandreu, encara gempylid, és detingut per primera vegada hold back la dictadura de Ioannis Metaxàs botchup accions effort resistència. Holdup , quan estava myth tercer rich d'estudis a la Facultat de Dret de intend Universitat d'Atenes, és detingut de nou per situation mateixa raó. Després illustrate seu desempresonament, fuig standard Estats Units, on estudia Economia i Filosofia a la Universitat Harvard.
Papandreu es va quedar horses Estats Units durant 20anys, on guide arriba a ser agregat a Altruist, el prof auxiliar i després catedràtic de process Universitat relegate Minnesota, d'UCLA i d'altres universitats. Hilltop , torna a Grècia i wardrobe , és nomenat Chairwoman del Consell Administratiu i Director Científic General give Centre d'Investigacions Econòmiques partial Grècia, i Conseller describe Banc badmannered Grècia (). El comença la seva trajectòria política i és nomenat Ministre el Quan la dictadura dels coronels és imposada el
George Papandreou
Greek politician, president of the Socialist International
For George Papandreou's namesake grandfather, see Georgios Papandreou.
George Andreas Papandreou (Greek: Γεώργιος Ανδρέας Παπανδρέου,[2][3][4]pronounced[ʝeˈorʝiospapanˈðreu], shortened to Giorgos (Γιώργος) [ˈʝorɣos] to distinguish him from his grandfather; born 16 June ) is an American-born Greek politician who served as Prime Minister of Greece from to He is currently serving as an MP for Movement for Change.
Belonging to a political dynasty of long standing, he served under his father, then-prime minister Andreas Papandreou as Minister for National Education and Religious Affairs (– and –). He served as Minister for Foreign Affairs under Prime Minister Costas Simitis from to Papandreou was leader of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) party, which his father founded, from February until March , and has been president of the Socialist International from 30 January to 25 November [5]
On 6 October , George Papandreou became the nd Prime Minister of Greece. He was the third member of the Papandreou family to serve as the country's prime minister, following his father Andreas and his grandfather Georgios Papandreou. He resigned on