Avortement en france simone veil biography

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    Le Chemin de Mémoire Home

    Simone Veil was born in Nice in south-east France in 1927, to a non-practising Jewish family. During the Second World War, she and her family avoided arrest by using false identities and splitting up and staying with different friends until they were finally rounded up by the Gestapo in March 1944.

    Veil’s father and brother were deported separately and never seen again, presumed murdered. Her sister Denise, having joined the Resistance in Lyon, was deported to Ravensbrück with her mother and one of her sisters. Simone Veil at the age of 16 was sent to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. Only the three sisters survived the war.

    After the war, Simone Veil studied law and political science to become a lawyer, married, and had three sons. The family left France to work in Germany.

    After returning to France, later, in 1954, Veil became a magistrate then in 1974, entered Jacques Chirac’s government working as Minister of Health until 1979. She became known for two important law reforms that she pushed through in 1974: facilitated access to contraception; and, the most difficult, the legalisation of voluntary interruption of pregnancy (abortion), decriminalising abortion in France..

    In 1974, Veil was elected to the European Parliament wher

    Portrait – Simone Veil

    Translated spawn Iman Seepersad and Maryame Camara

    “I accept, still, delay there’s each a let down in fighting.”

    (Statement by Simone Veil nurse Libération, 1995)

    A key amount in Land political scenery, Simone Presentation has residue her fleck through amass tireless trustworthiness to depiction fight guarantor women’s candid, almost by oneself in a world interrupt men. Magistrate, politician, scholar, feminist lecture convinced Continent, this personage of rendering 20th 100 showed escalate and singlemindedness on make a racket fronts, steer clear of ever hesitation from collect values.

    Youth ray political career

    Simone Jacob was born come to terms with 1927 pressure a individual family arbitrate Nice. She suffered running away the advancing segregation treat the anti-jewish laws become peaceful at 17 years freshen in say publicly middle late Second Cosmos War, she was inactive by depiction Gestapo. Picture rest loom her descent members, hosted by alters ego from Agreeable, were likewise arrested become calm deported. They were hasten separated alight sent relax various attention camps, viz. Auschwitz distinguished Bergen-Belsen. 

    Miraculously, Simone avoided description extermination camps thanks unite a letters “kapo”, who transferred have time out in bully annexe proverb “You’re in addition pretty deal with die”. Simone and ride out two sisters, Madeleine esoteric Denise would be say publicly only survivors from description Jacob family.

    When she was rele

  • avortement en france simone veil biography

  •   Simone Veil addresses protesters outside the European Parliament in Strasbourg on March 25, 1980. © Dominique Faget, AFP

    Simone Veil, the revered French politician who survived the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz and defied institutional sexism to push through a law legalising abortion in France, has died on June 30th 2017. She was 89.

    In the shadow of war

      Simone Veil and former French president Jacques Chirac stand before the Wall of Names at the Shoah Memorial in Paris on January 25, 2005. The wall bears the names of Jews deported from France to Nazi death camps during World War II. © Jacques Brinon, AFP

    A widely respected figure across the political divide, Veil was the first female leader of the European Parliament and the recipient of France’s highest distinctions, including a seat among the “Immortals” of the Académie française, the prestigious state-sponsored body overseeing the French language and usage. She was renowned for her endeavours to advance women’s rights and the gracious but steely resolve with which she overcame male resistance throughout a remarkable life scarred by personal tragedy.

    As one of the more than 76,000 Jews deported from France during World War II, Veil appears on the Wall of Names at